Thursday 21 March 2019

Barbatos Lupus Custom WIP #1

I am getting hopelessly behind on all the things I had intended to have done by this point in the year. Broke my airbrush managed to get it fixed this last week as well as acquire another brush that I can source parts for locally. Kind of lost track on what exactly I wanted to do with the Wildraubtier, I'll get back to it soon but for now its shelved while I work on this.

A Barbatos Lupus and Vidar that I found at a local shop and wanted to build I have a few ideas for both of them. Most of all though I wanted to build a really simple diorama of the two fighting so in this case I'll be working on both with the intention of a single pose.

A few aftermarket thrusters and fuel tanks for the Barabatos. I pinned the thrusters with brass rods for now and after paint I'll glue them down.

I'll also be removing the howitzer from the right arm and adding a scratch built claw shield over the gun on the left arm. While I haven't quite finished the task I intend to fill in the gaps in the sword-mace.